Father’s Day Celebration – A Joyful Journey at VIET HOA International School
📅 On August 8th, all hearts turn towards the great fathers in our lives – those heroic figures. With a spirit that upholds love and filial piety, VIET HOA International School, along with the children, has captured heartwarming and meaningful moments, commemorating Father’s Day on August 8th – a day about love and family connections.
🎈 Let’s share heartwarming family moments together. At VIET HOA International School, this is a place strongly bonded by family ties, where the value of father-child relationships is deeply conveyed.
📸 At our school, we have captured lovely and meaningful scenes with the children, commemorating Father’s Day on August 8th together – a day about love and family connections.
🎵 The children join their voices to bless their fathers, saying, “Daddy, I love you!”